2012 제주현대미술관 송년특별기획 여성작가展 「色冬」



양미경 展


빎 Prayer


2011-하도리 Hadori_131x194cm_oil on canvas_2012






2012. 12. 22(토) ▶ 2013. 1. 29(화)

제주특별자치도 제주시 한경면 저지 14길 38 | T.064-710-7801





무명옷 woman diver old clothes_132x160cmx3EA_oil on canvas_2012




자연을 바라보면 역동적인 힘을 느낀다.  바람, 구름, 나무, 바위, 산, 바다는 서로 어우러져 하나의 흐름을 만들어낸다. 그 울림을 마주할 때 어떤 기운이 솟아오른다. 내 눈과 마음이 속삭여주는 소리에 귀를 기울이기 시작했다. 신령스러운 기운이 감돈다. 산이 나를 부른다. 그 앞에 서면 산방덕이의 생동하는 영기가 느껴진다. 그녀의 가슴에 맺힌 한은 내 가슴에도 뭉클 와 닿았다.

그 기운은 자연에서 그치지 않는다. 오래된 해녀복을 바라보면 거친 삶을 견디며 살아온 그들의 땀내가 난다. 해지고 뚫어진 데를 다시 누비고 꿰매면서 삶의 결을 만들어내었다. 바다 한가운데 거대한 바윗 덩어리처럼 묵묵히 좌정해 있는 범섬을 불러들인다.

무릎을 끓고 산방덕이를 불러들인다. “덕이야 덕이야 산방덕이야”



산방덕이Sanbangdeokie( the goddess of Mt.Sanbang)_182x121cm_oil on canvas_2012



무명옷 woman diver old clothes_130x97cm_oil on canvas_2012





Where I stand I’m surrounded by the nurturing aspects of mother- nature. The wind, clouds, trees, rocks, mountains and sea all come together to create a stream of energy that flows through my body with a passion and physical sensation that is life-giving. When I gaze up at Mt. Sanbang (Sanbangsan) I am drawn to her; the spiritual and mystical goddess who possess both strength and vulnerability.

The heanyeo (woman diver), has endured a tough life and has experienced an assortment of human emotions that has sustained her through hard times. Attracted to the heanyeo’s physical and spiritual power I am drawn ever closer to the touch, texture and scent of the sea on her old clothes. I invite the islands sitting quietly, like a great volcanic rock in the middle of the sea.

On my knees I call the goddess of Mt. Sanbang.

Translated by Kip Kania & Lee Hyun soon



섬 island_162x130cm_oil on canvas_2012



2011-구엄리 Gueomri_132x160cm_oil on canvas_2012



뒷모습appearance from behind_90.5x121cm_oil on canvas_2012






2009 제주대학교 인문대학원 한국학협동과정 박사과정 수료 | 2008 제주대학교 산업대학원 산업디자인학과 공예디자인 전공 | 2007 홍익대학교 미술대학원 예술기획학과 예술기획 전공 | 1991 제주대학교 인문대학 미술학과 서양화 전공


개인전 | 2012 제주현대미술관송년특별전 양미경-빎(제주현대미술관, 제주) | 2011 양미경-고요(갤러리카페 슬로리, 제주) | 1992 월간미술세계 초대전(경인미술관. 서울) | 1992 양미경 개인전(세종미술관, 제주)


단체전 | 2012~1994 4․3미술제 (문예회관, 세종갤러리, 4·3평화기념관, 제주) | 2012~1994 탐라미술인협회전(세종갤러리, 갤러리제주아트, 문예회관, 제주) | 2012 갤러리노리 초대전 말전 (갤러리 노리, 제주) | 2011 구럼비가 운다 (아트스페이스C, 제주) | 2010 엄마야 누나야 강정살자 (강정마을 구럼비바당, 제주) | 2009 평화미술제, 대지의 꽃을 바다가… (제주현대미술관, 제주)


현재 | 탐라미술인협회 회원  E-mail | goodlemk@hanmail.net


Yang Mi-Kyeong was born in 1966 on Jeju Island, South Korea. She received her BFA (Fine Arts) from Jeju National University in 1991 and returned to Jeju National University to receive her MA (Craft Design) in 2008. She received an additional MA (Art Planning) from Hongik University, in Seoul in 2007. She finished a doctorial course in Korean Studies of Interdisciplinary Programs from Jeju National University in 2009. She taught art at Deoksu Elementary School from 1996 to 1997. This school was funded by the Jeju Sculpture Park. She also was an Art Educator at Jeju National Museum from 2006 to 2007 and a Special Researcher at Jeju National University  Museum from 2008 to 2009. Over the past 15 years Mi-Kyeong has served as a freelance curator for a number of exhibitions on Jeju, including many 4.3 (Sa-Sam) exhibitions.  From 1998 to 2002 Mi-Kyeong and her husband Jung Yong-Sung opened Sejong Gallery, where she served as the director of exhibitions.

In 1993, Mi-Kyeong along with her husband Yong-Sung and a group of Jeju artists founded the Tamra Art Group. The purpose of the group was to bring awareness to a tragedy that occurred on April 3, 1948 when thousands of Jeju natives were massacred. Starting in 1994 an annual exhibition was created by the Tamra Art Group to express reverence to the massacred and give a voice to a local public that had been silent. The annual exhibition is appropriately named, “The Sa-Sam exhibition”, translated Sa-Sam means 4.3. The most recent 4.3 exhibition held this April in 2012 by the Tamra Art Group was called “Family”. Its objective was to express 4.3 not as an event that happened in historical context but as events occurring in the present and how these events affect not only Jeju people but the Korean nation as a whole.

Mi-Kyeong has exhibited her work both nationally and internationally for over 20 years and has been published in numerous art periodicals. In that time her work has dealt with many aspects of Jeju’s physical and mental landscapes. In recent years her work has been steered towards a more expressionistic style, and this influence was  largely due to a trip she made to Bali and the contemporary artists she met there. Recently, Mi-Kyeong along with her husband Yong-Sung and their son Sun-Jae have moved into their new home/studio where they both work.


Translated by Kip Kania & Lee Hyunsoon


