Michael Freitas Wood 展


“Permanent Transitions”




2011. 10. 5 (수) ▶ 2011. 10. 11 (화)

Opening Reception : 2011. 10. 5 (수) 6PM

서울시 종로구 경운동 64-17 | T. 02-733-1045





마이클 프레이타스 우드(Michael Freitas Wood)는 자기 회화를 현대 사회의 시각적 자극들과 경쟁하려는 노력의 산물이라고 말했다. 그는 매우 조밀한 시각 디자인을 활용한 회화를 창조함으로써 영화와 디지털 매체와의 경쟁이라는 어려운 이슈를 탐구한다.

“저는 아크릴 안료를 혼합한 텍스처 페이스트(texture paste)를 사용해서 작품을 만듭니다. 페이스트를 팔레트 나이프로 잘라서 나무 판자 표면에 붙입니다. 시각적 효과를 높이기 위해서 원, 다이아몬드, 3차원 상자 같은 다양한 형태를 사용합니다.”

관객에 대한 예술가의 책임을 묻는 질문에, 그는 관객을 염두에 두고 작품을 만들며 무엇으로 관객의 시선을 끌 것인지 생각한다고 대답했다. 그는 예술사를 공부하면서 예술가의 역할이 정보 제공자, 교사, 연예인, 영적 지도자와 비슷했다는 점에 깊은 인상을 받았다고 한다. 그 자신이 교사이면서 연예인이라는 점을 생각해볼 때, 그는 시각적 감각을 즐겁게 하고 그렇게 하면서 인식에 대한 의문을 제기하려는 의도를 갖고 작품 활동을 한다. 그는 회화라는 매체가 오늘날의 오락거리들에 비해서 정적이라고 생각한다. 그래서 그는 빠른 속도로 발전하는 세계 속에서 각 사람의 관심을 끌어 모아야 한다는 사명을 달성함으로써 회화에 생명의 숨을 불어넣는 것을 목표로 한다.





“영원한 과도기”


우리의 현대 사회에는 우리 관심을 얻으려는 영원한 시각적인 자극이 있다. 나는 지금 화가로서 다른 사람의 관심을 붙들기 위한 모든 자극 내에서 경쟁할 수 있는 그림을 어떻게 창조할 수 있는가를 묻고 있다. TV, 인터넷, 디지털 이미지, 동영상에 여러 그림 정보가 있을 때, 어떻게 고정된 매체에 생명을 불어 넣을 수 있는가? 나는 매우 컴팩트하고 매우 강렬한 시각 디자인을 창조하여 이 문제를 탐구하는 그림을 제안한다.

이러한 그림을 만들 수 있도록 아크릴 물감과 혼합된 텍스처 페이스트(texture paste)를 사용한다. 팔레트 나이프를 이용하여 목재 판넬의 표면에 페이스트를 바른다. 시각적인 효과를 보다 높일 수 있도록, 원, 다이아몬드, 3D 박스를 포함한 여러 형태를 사용한다.








REPRESENTED BY  | Box Gallery, Santa Fe, NM


AFFILIATED WITH  | Erdreich White Fine Art, Boston, MA | L. A. Artcore, Los Angeles


EDUCATION  | El Camino College, Torrance, CA 1981 | Palomar College, San Marcos, CA 1979-1980


SOLO EXHIBITIONS  | 2011 “Consumed” Box Gallery, Santa Fe, NM | 2011 “Beyond Halfway” Union Center for the Arts, Los Angeles | 2009 “Working Grids” Box Gallery, Santa Fe, NM | 2008 “Widening The Circle” Artcore Brewery Annex, Los Angeles | 2007 “Working Patterns” Box Gallery, Santa Fe, NM | 2006 “See The Now” Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, NM | 2005 “Tolerance” Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, NM | 2004 “Nothing Guaranteed” Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, NM | 1995 “Cycles” Raw Space Gallery, Albuquerque, NM | 1992 “Recent Work” Conlon Gallery, Santa Fe, NM | 1991 “New Paintings” Ruth Bachofner Gallery, Santa Monica, CA | 1988 “L. A. Landspace” L.A. Artcore, Los Angeles


GROUP EXHIBITIONS  | 2012 | “International Exhibition” Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea | “International Exchange” Fukuoka, Japan | 2011 | “Where Imagination Takes Flight” Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, CA | “Come Together” Zask Gallery, Rolling Hills Estates, CA | 2010 | “A Fine Line” PS Zask Gallery, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA | “Holiday Show” Artcore Brewery Annex, Los Angeles | “Human, Colours, Music” Syntagma Square, Athens, Greece | “Lost but Profound” PS Zask Gallery, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA | 2009 | “International Exhibition” Masaru Fine Art, Tokyo | “Crosscurrent 2” International Japan-USA Exhibition” Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo | “Crosscurrent 2” International Japan-USA Exhibition” Artcore Brewery Annex/Union Center, Los Angeles | 2007 | “Accelerate” Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, NM | 2006 | “Collect: Inside 8” Center for the Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM | “Lucky 13” Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, NM | 2005 | “Group Show” Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, NM | 2004 | “Symptom of the Dawning 2004, Jeju-Wind-Pacific” Jeju Cultural Art Center, Jeju, South Korea | “Wish You Were Here II” Las Cruces Museum of Fine Arts, Las Cruces, NM | “Small Works” Phil Gallery, Seoul, South Korea | “Big” Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, NM | “National Small Works Exhibition” Red Dot Fine Arts, Santa Fe, NM | 2003 | “Emergent Surface” Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, NM | “Small Works” AndrewShire Gallery, Los Angeles | “CGCA Gallery Artists” Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, NM | 2002 | “Formation, Union/Reunion” Visual Arts Gallery Santa Fe Community College, NM | “Fusion” Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, NM | 2001 | “Art 2” Continental Gallery, Dallas, TX | “Sixteen & Under” Coleman Gallery Contemporary Art, Albuquerque, NM | 2000 | “Shaping The American Landscape” Unison Art Center, New Paltz, NY | “Beaux Arts Exhibition” Center for the Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, NM | 1999 |     “Smaller Than A Foot” Pentimenti Gallery, Philadelphia, PA | “Small Image Millennium Exhibit” University of New Mexico, Los Alamos, NM | 1998 | “Recent Works” Pentimenti Gallery, Philadelphia, PA | 1997 | “Recent Works” Deanna Izen Miller Gallery, Venice, CA | “The Brain and Self” Elsinore, Denmark | “Language is Art-Art is Language” Munson Gallery, Santa Fe, NM | 1996 | “Tenth Annual Monothon” SITE Santa Fe, NM | 1995 | Deanna Izen Miller Gallery, Venice, CA | San Jacinto College, Houston, TX | Pump House Gallery, Hartford, CT | C.A.F.E. Gallery, Albuquerque, NM | 1994 | Charlotte Jackson Fine Arts, Santa Fe, NM | “Reviews/Previews” C.A.F.E. Gallery, Albuquerque, NM | 1993 | “Steve Barry, Thomas Freund, Joel-Peter Witkins, Michael Wood” C.A.F.E. Gallery, Albuquerque, NM | “The Cross As A Symbol” Brand Library Art Gallery, Glendale, CA | “Face to Face” Cloud Cliff Artspace, Santa Fe, NM | 1992 | Ruth Bachofner Gallery, Santa Monica, CA | 1990 | “Los Angeles Artist Messages” Ginza Gallery, Tokyo, Japan | “The Soul” Minus Zero Gallery, Torrance, CA | 1989 | “East Meets West” Tri-City Exhibit, Nagasaki, Nagoya, Tokyo, Japan | “New Paintings” Steve Hazard Gallery, Venice, CA | 1988 | “Works on Paper by L.A. Artists” Artspace Gallery, Woodland Hills, CA | “If the Shoe Fits” L.A. Artcore, Los Angeles | 1987 | “Art from Los Angeles” Art Cosmos Center, Seoul, South Korea | “Works on View” Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Rental Gallery | 1986 | “Intimate Connections” California State University Los Angeles | “Tri-City Exhibit” Art Store Galleries, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Los Angeles, CA | “Interiors/Exteriors” Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Rental Gallery | “Three Person Exhibition” L.A. Artcore Gallery, Los Angeles | “Continuum” Art Store Gallery, Los Angeles | 1985 | “One on One” Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Rental Gallery | “85 Invitational” Joslyn Center for the Arts, Torrance, CA | 1984 | “Alumni Invitational” El Camino College, Torrance, CA | Ben Zask Gallery, Redondo Beach, CA | 1983 | “Three Person Exhibit” Joslyn Center for the Arts, Torrance, CA | “Alumni Invitational” El Camino College, Torrance, CA | 1982 | “New Paintings, Three Person Exhibit” El Camino College, Torrance, CA | “Enemy Called Ignorance” Friends of the Arts Gallery, Hermosa Beach, CA


PUBLICATIONS  | ARTSlant “News and Buzz” June 2011“Michael Freitas Wood on our Watchlist” | PATTERN PULP, NY June 2, “Consumed and Informed” | NEW MEXICAN, PASATIEMPO June 2011 “Gallery Preview” | ARTSlant Santa Fe “Gallery Hop” June 2011 “Consumed” Michael Freitas Wood at Box Gallery | SANTA FE REPORTER June 2011, Visual Arts Listings by Rani Molla | TOKYO METROPOLITAN ART MUSEUM “CROSSCURRENT” | “The 2nd International Exchange Exhibition US- JAPAN” catalogue, August 2009 | NEW MEXICO MAGAZINE, July 2009, “Diversion” | ABQ ARTS, July 2009, “Art spree” | SANTA FE REPORTER, June 26, 2009 by Alex Roberts | ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL, June 26, 2009 “Journal Santa Fe Venue,” Gallery Guide | ART LTD. July/Aug 2008 “Trains, Cranes and Collaboration: Santa Fe is Building More Than Steam” by Zane Fischer | THE MAGAZINE, Santa Fe Dec. 07/Jan. 08 “Michael Freitas Wood at Box Gallery”, by Jon Carver | SANTA FE REPORTER, October 3, 2007 by Patricia Sauthoff | MICHAEL FREITAS WOOD, Brochure, August 2005, essay by Kathleen Whitney | ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL, September 21, 2004 “A Frenetic Urban Sensibility” by Wesley Pulkka | JEJU CULTURAL ARTS CENTER, Jeju, South Korea August 2004 “Symptom of the Dawning Jeju-Wind-Pacific” | UNISON ARTS MAGAZINE New Paltz, NY Fall 2000 “Shaping the American Landscape” | CENTER CONTEMPORARY ARTS, catalogue Santa Fe, NM October 2000 “Beaux Art Exhibition” | PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY, September 2, 1998 | PHILADELPHIA CITY PAPER, “Critical Mass” by Robin Rice September 1998 | ART MATTERS, September 1998 Philadelphia, PA | THE HARTFORD COURANT, July 9, 1995 “Art Review” by Jude Schwendenwien | WITHINSIGHT, catalogue WESTAF/NEA 1994 Regional Fellowship for the Visual Arts | ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL, December 30, 1993 “New Mexico Visual Arts an Impressive | Montage This Year.“ by David Staton | THE MAGAZINE, Santa Fe December 1993 “Critical Reflections”, Steve Barry, Thomas Freund, Joel-Peter Witkins, and Michael Wood.” by Wesley Pulkka | ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL, November 11, 1993 “Gallery Review” “Steve Barry, Thomas Freund, Joel-Peter Wikins, and Michael Wood.” by David Staton | LOS ANGELES TIMES, April 16, 1993 “Exhibition Takes Up the Cross.” by Nancy Kapitanoff | SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, May 1, 1992 “The Secret is in the Surface for Michael Wood.” by Dean Balsamo | ART SCENE, Los Angeles, January 1991 “Gallery Review” by Andy Brumer | L.A. WEEKLY, February 15, 1991, “Pick of the Week” by Peter Franks | TOKYO TELEVISION, broadcast January 1990 “Los Angeles Artist Messages” Interview by Hisaka Kojima | SOUTH BAY LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE, Redondo Beach, CA, September 1990, “The New South Bay Art Scene.” by Michael Hamer | IDEA MAGAZINE, Tokyo, Japan, August 1989, issue #216, “Mail Art Exhibition” by Hisaka Kojima | VALLEY DAILY NEWS, Los Angeles, September 30, 1988 “Art News and Notes” by Daryl Miller | VISIONS MAGAZINE, Los Angeles, summer 1988, “Landscape/Landspace” by David Pagel | LOS ANGELES TIMES, October 14, 1988, “Gallery Review” by David Wharton | EASY READER, Redondo Beach, CA November 26, 1987, “Oil on Water” by Kathleen Ryan | KOREAN HERALD, September 11,1987 “Gallery Review” | KOREAN TIMES, September 11, 1987 “Gallery Review” | IOONG DAILY NEWS, South Korea, September 11,1987 “At the Gallery” by Young Jae Kim


COLLECTIONS PUBLIC  | National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea | Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM | International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction, Fort Worth, TX | El Camino College, Torrance, CA | The College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM | White and Case LLP, New York | The Westin Hotel, Copley Place, Boston, MA | Acadian Asset Management, Boston, MA | S.A.P. International, Miami, FL | N.E.A. Associates, Los Angeles | NLI Properties, Los Angeles | Pettit & Martin, Newport Beach, CA


COLLECTIONS PRIVATE  | Kenji Matsushita, Tokyo | Sam, Leslie Kaplan, New York | Howard, Rebekah Farber, Encino, CA | Page Coleman, Albuquerque, NM | Lydia Takeshita, La Crescenta, CA | Lisa Rogers, Kansas City, MO | Doris, Edward Gamson, Los Angeles | Rita, Erhard Zarse, Dorsten, Germany | Frieda Arth, Santa Fe, NM | Lois, Bruce Roset, Los Angeles | Kim Nagle, Pasadena, CA | Mi Ji Ja Kim, Seoul, South Korea | Lynn Bechtold, Albuquerque, NM | Ania Jovanovic, Avon, CT | Carol, Keith Rothberg, Placitas, NM | Karen Rogers, Marc Still, Santa Fe, NM / Dallas, TX | Joni, Frank Aon, Santa Fe, NM | Linda, Jim Wilmer, Santa Fe, NM | Mr. & Mrs. Jiwon Suh, Seoul, South Korea | Tiska Blankenship, Albuquerque, NM | Lisa Morrow, Riverside, CA | Patrick, Tracey Gallagher, Bethesda, MD | Arian Roefs, Godfried Konings, Santa Fe, NM | Mr. & Mrs. Harouche, Beverly Hills, CA | Chang Kim, Seoul, South Korea | Dan Cooke, Teresa Carson, Portland, OR | Dr. & Mrs. Michael Mellman, Manhattan Beach, CA | Peggy, Ben Zask, Portuguese Bend, CA | Cory, Maggie Baumhardt, Indianapolis, IN | Steve, Twyla Hazard, Charleston, SC | Bevin Owens, Albuquerque, NM | Carla Cooper, Santa Fe, NM | Joseph Dodge, Santa Fe, NM / Tallahassee, FL | Robert Wilner, Santa Monica, CA | Tom Hollenback, Menomonie, WI | Lee Byrne, Albuquerque, NM | David, Bahl, Robert Munzer, San Francisco, CA | Gerry Mlynek, Albuquerque, NM | Katrin Heitmann, Salman Habib, Santa Fe, NM | Don A. Mitchell, Esq. Jackson, MS


HOMEPAGE  | www.michaelfreitaswood.com



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